September 28, 2019 at 6:29 PM
To maintain the Delta-T, they used the traditional anti-scaling dozing. Due to the scarcity of water, blow down was restricted. Now after using ‘Tiaano ElSr – Ct’ series, blow down was restricted.
Posted in: Dis-infection | HVAC | Installation | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | Case Study | cooling tower | General Information | Tiaano
Tags: Profile, Tiaano, Chemical, Chemical Free, Chemistry, Pharma, Medicine, Micro biology and Delta-T, blow down, COC, Condenser, Heat exchanger
September 25, 2019 at 6:23 PM
Chlorine will be generated continuously, which will vary according to the sodium chloride available in the application like drinking water, sewage water, etc.
Posted in: Anode | Cathode | cooling tower | FAQ | Tiaano
Tags: FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions, Anode, Cathode, Chlorine, Sodium hypochloride, drinking water, sewage water, temperature, ElSr, Application
September 24, 2019 at 4:53 PM
Platinum group precious Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) coated titanium electrodes for Oxygen rich with slight Chlorine effect.
Posted in: Dis-infection | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | Case Study | cooling tower | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano
Tags: Tiaano, ElSr, Reactor, Cooling tower, Water Treatment, MMO, Titanium, Electrodes, Titanium Electrodes, Chlorine, area, density, Water Conductivity, Cathodes, NaOH, alkaline, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Power Consumption, Plastic, Corrosion, Shell, reinforced Plastic
September 23, 2019 at 6:39 PM
Chemical free Electrolytic Scale Remover have been working by using fresh water / treated STP water / Bore water / Hot water as make-up.
Posted in: Agriculture | Boiler feed water Pre-treatment | Broucher | Dis-infection | Humidification Spray Chamber | HVAC | Application | cooling tower | Hot Water Treatment | Natural Draft cooling Tower | Power plant | RO Feed Pre - Treatment
Tags: Chemical free, Electrolytic, Application, Fresh water, STP water, Bore water, hot water, Cooling tower, Drinking water, process water, Disinfection, Agriculture, Spray nozzle, Ro feed Pre-treatment
September 20, 2019 at 4:04 PM
Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) unit is nothing but an electro chemical reactor which perform against Bio fouling & Scaling without adding any external reagents. Tiaano conducted various field study on energy saving, while using Tiaano ElSr in Cooling Tower water treatment.
Posted in: Dis-infection | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | Case Study | cooling tower | Desalination | General Information | Tiaano
Tags: Heat Transfer Efficiency, ElSr, Power Conservation, Electrolytic Scale Remover, Bio fouling, Scaling, energy saving, Tiaano, Water Treatment, Cooling tower, Condenser, heat exchanger, chilled water, Coolant, Evaporator, Compressor, Chilled water Pump, Pump, Minerals, Condenser tubes, Fouling, loss in heat transfer, Calcium carbonate, Microbiological film, Calcium sulphate, Magnesium phospate, magnetic ion oxide
September 19, 2019 at 5:59 PM
Project: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation (TCMPF) was formed in February’1981, to manage the activities such as milk procurement, storage, processing and marketing of the milk and milk products. They believes that our Country’s socio-economic development in connect with the development of rural India. The TCMPF Limited is an apex body of...
September 18, 2019 at 5:41 PM
Tiaano ElSr is an automatic and reliable turnkey system.
Posted in: Bio-fouling | cooling tower | General Information | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano
Tags: Tiaano, ElSr, Cooling tower, Water treatment, automatic, basin water, Chemical Treatment, bow-down, equipment, blow-down, Sand Filter, Self-cleaning, bacteria, algae, tower, scale, consumables, bleed control, COC, irrigation, Slime, Bio-fouling, alkaline, Chemical Free, legionella.
September 17, 2019 at 6:41 PM
We Tiaano Successfully Completed a Portable Scale Remover Installation at Jaipur On Sep, 2019.
September 16, 2019 at 6:17 PM
Tiaano is the only company design and fabricate the ElSr and its electrolyzer (Anode & Cathode assembly) for cooling tower application in PAN India.
September 14, 2019 at 12:29 PM
20% of the water in circulation from the main stream will be tapped to our ElSr through non-destructive ultrasonic flow meter as an installation tool. By using this tool, control valve shall be adjusted