June 24, 2020 at 1:38 PM
ElSr is an independent equipment, getting installed separately out of the Heat exchanger’s cooling water circuit. Water from the cooling tower reservoir is continuously circulated through the ElSr via circulation pump. Process of scale remover is getting carried out, when the ElSr is connected to power and water flow through it. Its construction is purely by using corrosion resistant materials of GRP, UPVC & Platinum group precious metal oxide coated titanium.
Posted in: Anode | Broucher | Cathode | Dis-infection | ElectroChemistry | HVAC | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Introduction | Tiaano
Tags: Tiaano, Operation, Chemical, Chemical free, Heat exchanger, Water, Cooling tower, reservoir, Circulation pump, Scale Remover, ElSr, Titanium, UPVC, Platinum, Anode, Cathode, Calcium, Electro Chemical
June 10, 2020 at 10:14 AM
Electrolytically removing scale involves developing an environment of high pH around the cathode,
Posted in: Cathode | Dis-infection | ElectroChemistry | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | Purchase Order
Tags: Cooling tower, Water Treatment, Chennai Metro, CMRL, Electrolytic, Scale Remover, disinfect, water, bio fouling, micro organism, Scale. Scale removal, heat exchangers