March 26, 2021 at 2:45 PM
lSr-SC is working based on self - Cleaning technology, Side stream media filter is included in our system. Media filter is recommended to filter the peel-off scales from the ElSr.
Posted in: Anode | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano
Tags: Non-Chemical Water Treatment, Cooling tower, Pumps, ElSr, FRVE, Reactor, Anode, MMO, Ti Anode, Steel, Cathode assembly, Media Filter, Control Panel, Rectifier.
March 17, 2021 at 10:24 AM
AMC in place is one way to combat such problems.
Posted in: AMC | Tiaano
Tags: #amc
March 2, 2021 at 4:59 PM
We Tiaano design, fabrication & supply of Chemical free Self-Cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover for many of the applications like Cooling tower water treatment, humidification Spray Chamber, RO feed water pre-treatment, Drinking Water dis-infection System etc. Based on the water flow rate, we will select the appropriate model number and supplied system accordingly.
Posted in: Anode | Dis-infection | ElectroChemistry | Humidification Spray Chamber | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | Photo Gallery | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Power plant | RO Feed Pre - Treatment | Tiaano
Tags: Scale Remover, Spares, Chemical, Chemical free, Electrolytic Scale Remover, Cooling tower, Water, Water Treatment, Humidification Spray Chamber, RO feed water Pre-Treatment, Drinking Water, Water flow rate, Disinfection, Warranty, Electrode, Electrolyzers, MMO Coating.