April 18, 2022 at 10:35 AM
Tiaano installed their Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) at Bangalore for the larger capacity cooling tower of 4800 TR (4 X 1200 TR) for HVAC application. From the stage of installation, our ElSr system is performing well.
April 16, 2022 at 9:50 AM
Scale available in the Cooling tower reservoir is composed of sodium and chloride. When DC is passed through the reactor to the electrolyte (water), the chlorides will disassociate and form chlorine.
Posted in: Dis-infection | ElectroChemistry | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Tiaano
Tags: Electro Chemical, pH, Reaction, Reactor, Corrosion, bacteria, anodes, Oxidant, disinfectant, Scale, Cooling Tower, Chlorides, Chlorine, DC current, NaoCl, Hydrogen, Sodium, Electrolyte, Saline water, ElSr, Chemical, Electrolysis
April 12, 2022 at 11:35 AM
During this 650 Hrs. treatment, the ElSr system protects corrosion on the wall of the HWCS Tank. Also removed the existing scale (fouling) on the Heater coil. Hence the Tiaano’s ElSr system can separates the scale accumulated on the accessories like Heater, Condenser, Hot water circuits and makes corrosion prevents.
Posted in: Installation | Photo Gallery | Write ups | Application | Case Study | Hot Water Treatment | Tiaano
Tags: Performance, Tiaano, Chemical, Electrolytic Scale Remover, Hot water treatment, ISRO, Andhra pradesh, Sriharikotta, Plant, Tank, HWCS, corrosion, scaling, Electrolysis, Scale Remover, images, heater coil, Heater, Conedenser
April 4, 2022 at 2:15 AM
We Tiaano design, manufacturing and supplying Chemical free Self-cleaning Electrolytic Scale remover for Cooling Tower Water Treatment. Since Tiaano ElSr is working based on Self-Cleaning technology, we have provided Media filter along with our system to filter the peel of scale.
Posted in: Anode | Cathode | chemical free self cleaning ElSr | Dis-infection | ElectroChemistry | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | self-cleaning | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano
Tags: Tiaano, Scale Remover, Media Filter, Self-Cleaning, Performance, Sand Filter, Scale, Dirt, algae, Cooling tower, Reservoir, Minerals, Electro Chemical, Electrolytic, Electrolysis, Condensing System, Water, Solids, Reduction in heat transfer
March 25, 2022 at 11:43 AM
Pharmaceutical Company in Hyderabad using Tiaano’s Electrolytic Scale Remover. They tried for scale separation by using Chemical Dosing for long duration. But still unable to resolve the issue. Hence they contacted Tiaano and used the Chemical Free ElSr System.
Posted in: Installation | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | scale remover | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | cooling tower | Desalination | General Information | Introduction
Tags: Pharmaceutical company, Scale, algae growth, Pharmaceutical, Electrolytic, Electrolysis, Tiaano, chemical Free, cooling tower, scaling, Anode, Ferrous
March 22, 2022 at 11:11 AM
Tianno's Self-Cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover System without dozing any chemicals, it removes scale by electrolysis without the addition of chemicals. Also it generates the sodium hypo chlorite which can disinfect the Algae and small Mircro Organisms.
April 30, 2021 at 11:08 AM
Unit responsibility of complete package by Tiaano. Unit means, responsibility for interfacing and successful operation of all components of ElSr supplied by Tiaano. Package includes…
March 26, 2021 at 2:45 PM
lSr-SC is working based on self - Cleaning technology, Side stream media filter is included in our system. Media filter is recommended to filter the peel-off scales from the ElSr.
Posted in: Anode | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | Bio-fouling | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano
Tags: Non-Chemical Water Treatment, Cooling tower, Pumps, ElSr, FRVE, Reactor, Anode, MMO, Ti Anode, Steel, Cathode assembly, Media Filter, Control Panel, Rectifier.
March 2, 2021 at 4:59 PM
We Tiaano design, fabrication & supply of Chemical free Self-Cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover for many of the applications like Cooling tower water treatment, humidification Spray Chamber, RO feed water pre-treatment, Drinking Water dis-infection System etc. Based on the water flow rate, we will select the appropriate model number and supplied system accordingly.
Posted in: Anode | Dis-infection | ElectroChemistry | Humidification Spray Chamber | Non-Chemical Water Treatment | Photo Gallery | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | cooling tower | Electrochlorination | General Information | Power plant | RO Feed Pre - Treatment | Tiaano
Tags: Scale Remover, Spares, Chemical, Chemical free, Electrolytic Scale Remover, Cooling tower, Water, Water Treatment, Humidification Spray Chamber, RO feed water Pre-Treatment, Drinking Water, Water flow rate, Disinfection, Warranty, Electrode, Electrolyzers, MMO Coating.
December 23, 2020 at 1:59 PM
We Tiaano proudly installed our Second supply of Chemical free Self-Cleaning Electrolytic scale Remover for the Cooling Tower water Treatment at Aavin, Madhavaram.
Posted in: Anode | Dairy Industry | Installation | Photo Gallery | Water Treatment | Write ups | Application | cooling tower | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano
Tags: Tiaano, Chemical, Chemical free, Electrolytic Scale remover, Scale Remover, Cooling Tower, Water Treatment, Installation, Self-Cleaning, Aavin, Madhavaram.