Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover as a self cleaning with skid mounted system

December 30, 2021 at 12:06 PMadmin
Chemical Free Electrolytic scale Remover is always saves large amount which spend regularly for maintenance of Cooling Tower, RO Membrance, HVAC Plant, Textile Industries, etc. It saves by means of reducing Blow Down Water, Electricity, Plant operation without Chemicals, Less Man Power, etc. [More]


December 4, 2021 at 6:35 PMadmin
MMO Coated Titanium plates are used as Electrode which is the heart of the system for manufacturing Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover. By using this electrodes, the life of the Electrolytic Scale Remover will be extended more than 5 years compare to other type of normal electrode. [More]

Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover for maintaining Relative Humidity

November 29, 2021 at 2:27 PMadmin
Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover shall be used to separate the scale from the spray chamber. In all the Textile Industries, there is a spray chamber to increase the pressure to convert water to humid. while doing so, the converting nozzles are getting chocked due to the salt content in the water. This chocking won't be happended, if ElSr system is installed or the water is Electrolyzed by the ElSr. [More]


November 19, 2021 at 10:21 AMadmin
Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover is very much used in Cooling Tower Utilities. By installing this system, Small micro Organism shall be killed, Algae growth can be protected by the chlorine generation in situ, Scaling factors like Calcium, Magnesium, Ferrous, Nitrate, Sulphate, Pottassium, etc will be separated and obsorbed by Cathode and hence output will be scale free ionised water, finally, it can also remove the historic scale in the aged plant. [More]

Chemical Free Skid Mounted Self Cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover

October 27, 2021 at 1:03 PMadmin
The processed water has been precipitated and ionised using the electrolysis method. The Chlorine is generated and protecting algae growth and disinfecting the small micro organisms. Also the conductive salts in the water has been removed using the caustic produced by the cathode of Electrolyser. [More]

Disinfecting Cooling Tower Water circuit

September 25, 2021 at 4:00 PMadmin
Chemical Free ElSr generates Chlorine (NaOCl) insitu during the Electrolysis reaction. This Chlorine travels along with water and disinfect the micro organisms, protecting algae growth and also remove the historic scales deposited in the aged plants. [More]

Scale Remover using Electrolysis as Chemical Free Skid Mounted

September 24, 2021 at 4:31 PMadmin
Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) is very much useful in the Chiller unit of HVAC Application. The system has been installed and enjoying the advantages of Less Blow Down, Algae free, Less Maintenance, increase in COC, reasonable approach value etc. [More]

SCALE REMOVER using ELECTROLYSIS Method without Chemical Dosing

September 4, 2021 at 6:41 PMadmin
Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) is very much useful in the Chiller unit of HVAC Application. The system has been installed and enjoying the advantages of Less Blow Down, Algae free, Less Maintenance, increase in COC, reasonable approach value etc. [More]


May 10, 2021 at 5:20 PMadmin
Tiaano's ELECTROLYTIC SCALE REMOVER SYSTEM is a chemical free scale remover system. This is not just descaling the water circuit in cooling tower but also simulataneously disinfects the water so that the algae, fouling and growth of microorganisms is prevented so this are the advantage of tiaanos' chemical free self-cleaning electrolytic scale remover [More]