Tiaano having Excellent Solution for Removing of Scale (Automatic Cleaning) without any type of Chemical or Anti-Scalant
Many of the Industrialists facing a critical problem now a days as, an Algae Growth, Scaling, Corrosion, Erosion, etc. Hence they do chemical dosing and increasing problems like enhancing the TDS, blow down etc. To overcome this kind of issues, Tiaano found a solution for the application of cooling tower water treatment.
Tiaano ElSr will treat the processed water before entering into cooling tower water. It is cost-effective & environment friendly. If the water is not treated, in a particular period the scale will build up and substantially reduce the cooling performance of the cooling tower.
Cooling tower basin and water distribution pipes are getting corroded due to this harmful scale. Results in a decrease in the power output, increased costs, damage to the cooling tower and energy consumption of condenser is also increased drastically.
Tiaano’s Chemical free Electrolytic Scale remover separates the scale by electrolytic operation without adding chemicals (Zero Chemical). It generates oxidant in the water; Oxidant mitigate the corrosion, Bio-fouling, Micro-organism growth, Scaling & spread of airborne bacteria.
Scale / Slime fouling on condenser, results reduction in heat transfer. One mm thick of scaling will cause for 30% more energy consumption. Because of Ionization in ElSr, scale precipitation occurs; once the scale precipitated, it never adheres to the Condensers / cooling tower water distribution system –it leads no further Scale build up, slowly the existing scales also peels out in due course. If any scale travels with the water, the same will be filtered by the Sand Filter and the filtered scale inside the Sand Filter can be back flushed for further use.