Tiaano’s Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover Installation in Textile Mills for the Application of Humidification Spray Chamber
Project: Arunachala Gounder Textile Mills Pvt Ltd, the Manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of products like Modal And Modal Blended Yarns, Acrylic and Cotton blended yarns, Bamboo and Bamboo blended yarns, Cotton Lycra Core Spun yarns, Viscose And Viscose Blended Ring Spun Yarns and Viscose Open End yarns, in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India.
Application: The atmospheric conditions with respect to temperature and humidity play a vital role in the manufacturing process of textile yarns and fabrics. The properties like dimensions, weight, tensile strength, elastic recovery, electrical resistance, rigidity etc. of all textile fiber whether natural or synthetic are influenced by Moisture Regain.
To maintain these factors, the spray humidifier consists of a chamber containing a spray nozzle system, a recirculating water pump, and a collection tank is being used. When the air passes through the chamber, it comes into contact with the pressurized water spray from the nozzles, resulting in heat transfer between the air and water.
During this process, they are facing several problems. Major one is Scaling. Due to the recirculation of water in the process, all the conductive salts (scale) deposited in the Pipe lines & the Spray nozzles. In due course the pipelines are getting deteriorated. To overcome this problem, M/s. AGT mills installed Tiaano’s chemical free Electrolytic Scale Remover(ElSr) system with model No. of Tiaano ElSr - GH / 15. This chemical free scale remover system ionized all the water, hence precipitated minerals in the water can’t adhere in the water distribution system.
Water quality is the important factor in Spray nozzle health. By considering that, Tiaano installed our ElSr system with sand filter.
The following things are observed by customer when using our ElSr System.
· 100% chemical dozing has been stopped.
· It could minimize the nozzle expense / replacement.
· Easy maintenance and to reduce labour costs.
· Electricity consumption has been reduced.
· Blow down has been reduced.
· 100% fresh water not required.
· Air blown cottons are getting recovered by water pump filter.