Images of Tiaano’s Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover at Bangalore, India.

April 18, 2022 at 10:35 AMadmin
Tiaano installed their Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) at Bangalore for the larger capacity cooling tower of 4800 TR (4 X 1200 TR) for HVAC application. From the stage of installation, our ElSr system is performing well. [More]

Success criteria of Tiaano’s Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover

May 1, 2021 at 4:51 PMadmin
Water quality meets site-specific standards (may include conductivity, pH, hardness, alkalinity, silica, chloride anions, salt anions, sulfate anions, phosphate, copper, iron, and biological). [More]

Tiaano’s Chemical Free Self-Cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover and its Major Components for Cooling Tower Water Treatment

April 30, 2021 at 11:08 AMadmin
Unit responsibility of complete package by Tiaano. Unit means, responsibility for interfacing and successful operation of all components of ElSr supplied by Tiaano. Package includes… [More]


August 21, 2019 at 4:47 PMadmin
Electrolytic Contaminant Remover (ElCr) is a system for removing contaminants in the water and wastewater, where the water or wastewater is converted into treated water that can be discharged to the environment. [More]