July 26, 2018 at 3:54 PM
Tiaano, a well-equipped in plant facilitated company delivering Dimensionally stable anodes, Titanium anodes and Nickel cathodes – Refurbishment, Recoated and Zero gap Retrofitting by using Precious metal oxides of… Iridium, Ruthenium, Palladium etc.
Posted in: Application | General Information | OEM | Tiaano
Tags: DIMENSIONALLY STABLE ANODES, UHDE, UHDENORA, DENORA, CEC Cell, INEO, ICI Cells, ELTECH, OXYTECH, DENORATECH Cells, Chlor Alkali, Refurbishment of anodes and cathodes, ruthenium, iridium, MMO, Tiaano, Titanium
July 26, 2018 at 2:35 PM
Poly hose (India) Pvt. Ltd. use Tiaano’s Electrolytic scale remover for both Rubber milling and Cooling tower for cooling the mill, the chilled water is pumped in to the extruder and hot water comes out of the extruder and falls in to the sump.
July 19, 2018 at 2:45 PM
Tiaano’s Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) guarantees 100% Chemical free techniques which provide the cost-effective and resourceful method of cooling tower water treatment. Both the cooling water and makeup water are continuously circulated until it reaches 80% scale - free, thus blow down is limited and Cycle of Concentration is increased.
July 11, 2018 at 1:56 PM
Tiaano introduced and developed a Salt and chemical free electrolytic disinfection system ElDs-Cl2 is an Electrolytic Disinfection & Scale Separation Unit, which produce the chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite by using naturally available sodium chloride in the ground water. And separates the scale by electrolytic operation with out adding chemicals (Zero Chemical).
Passing DC current through positive element to the negative element, Positive element generates...
Posted in: General Information
July 11, 2018 at 12:21 PM
Prestige Shantiniketan is an integrated township in Whitefield, Bangalore on a total of 105 acres developed by Prestige group. It is the largest fully constructed township in Bangalore as of 2017
The Residential Precinct has an area of 67 acres and includes 24 high rise Towers housing a total of 3002 apartments. This precinct includes an 8 acre park known as the Central Park. Three Towers are 16 floors each and the remaining 4 Towers are 12 floors each. Six of ...